High Quality Audio Equipment

Nagaoka MP-100H* Cartridge + Headshell

  • £149.00
  • Product Code: Nagaoka MP-100H* Cartridge + Headshell

Nagaoka MP-100H* Cartridge + Headshell

The Nagaoka MP-100 phonograph cartridge offers musical clarity and expression beyond its price and competitors splendid upward start toward long term musical enjoyment.

Half-inch system with conical diamond on lightweight aluminum cantilver. The Nagaoka MP-100 phone cartridge offers musical clarity and expression beyond its price and competitors - a plendid upwards start toward long term musical enjoyment


-Superfine polished conical diamond bonded stylus

-Powerfull samarium cobalt magnet

-Lightweight aluminum alloy cantilever

-Carbon fibre reinforced plastic shoe

-Anti ferro magnetic permalloy shield casing


Model: MP-100 (with stylus)

Type: Magnetodynamic Permalloy

Output Voltage: 5mV (5cm/sec)

Frequency Characteristic: 20 - 20,000Hz

Channel Separation: 22dB (1Khz)

Channel Balance: 2.0db or less

Load Resistance: 47 kOhm

Cantilever: Aluminum Alloy

Stylus Tip: 0.6mil Conical Bonded Diamond

Stylus Pressure: 1.8 - 2.3g (2.0g)

Cartridge Weight: 6.5g

Original Replacement Stylus: JNP-100

Original Replacement 78rpm Stylus:


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