High Quality Audio Equipment

Ergo AMT (with adaptor for connection to power amp)

  • £1098.00
  • Product Code: ErgAMT

For years Jecklin Float have been regarded as the only choice for serious headphone users. Now the manufacturer of Jecklin, offer the ERGO series - consisting of three carefully priced models. We guarantee you cannot buy a better sounding, more comfortable, more stylish pair of headphones!


'' ........Sonically quite exceptional , for my money these are the best''



''Recognised by the demanding music enthusiast as the reference''



ERGO AMT The Ultimate Headphone

Incredible bass, super fast transients and fatigue free! The Ergo AMT employs a completely new drive unit, the Air Motion Transformer. The most remarkable feature of the AMT is it's fast reaction to impulses, ensuring correct phase and excellent dynamics. It is possible to detect details in music that simply cannot be reproduced by other speakers. The Ergo AMT requires its own switching box for direct connection to the LS output of your amplifier. This is the ultimate in personal listening and an absolute must for serious headphone users. We guarantee the AMT will provide a listening experience unsurpassed by any other headphone on the market.



Offering the same high quality design and attention to detail as the more expensive AMT. Two dynamic speakers are employed using a special thin membrane, the model two also has the added advantage of neodymium magnets and even thinner membranes aperiodically damped. The Model One surprises everyone, considering the high engineering - low cost ratio. The Model two posses an electrostatic cleanness and results in an open transparent sound with the benefit of a very good bass response.

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