Ortofon headshell Cables
In cooperation with a high quality audio cable maker, Ortofon succeeded in producing ultra high performance headshell cables. Following countless listening sessions to many different types of music, these cartridge leadwires were selected as best performers among numerous configurations of test cables made of the best materials available.
The LW-800S is the most sophisticated lead wires composed of pure silver and silver coated wire. The nature of silver wire, silver coated wire transmits the very clear high tone signals, it brings the brilliant tonality. The end of wire is fastened by rohdium plated terminal.
Key Features:
4N Pure Silver wire: 3 x φ 0.26mm
Silver plated OFC wire: 16 x φ0.10mm
LW-7N is the hybrid lead wire made of Ultra high purity copper wire of 7N and 6 N. As there is no foreign particle other than copper 7N (99.99999 % purity) in the wire, music signal can be transmitted without any noise. The end of wire is fastened by rohdium plated terminal.
Key Features:
High purity Cu wire 7NCu: 3 x φ 0.26mm
High purity Cu wire 6NCu: 16 x φ0.10mm
LW-6N is the 6N lead wire made of Ultra high purity copper wire, the configuration is very sophisticated with different diameter of wire strand, the inside strand is right windings, the outside strand is left winding. The tight winding against each other makes the clear transmission of music signals. Clear and crisp tonality. The end of wire is fastened by gold plated terminal.
Key Features:
High purity Cu wire 6NCu: 7 x φ 0.18mm (Right strands)
High purity Cu wire 6NCu: 17 x φ 0.10mm (Left strands)
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